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The blog begins!

Starting to write a blog feels kind of like the picture: riding a bike in rubber boots and a dress through the spring mud puddles. Aka: slow and messy!

So, for this first blog post we are going to throw Search Engine Optimization to the wind and give you a feel for our vision. If you love it – great! Subscribe and read every month (which, in the spirit of transparency, is our realistic goal for new blog posts….). If you don’t love it – it’s ok! We know you will still love Brookside – you just don’t want to read about it EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH.

We scoured the internet for blogs to love and they seemed to have a few similarities: they were written from a personal point of view, they felt less about marketing and more about real life (even though I’m sure they are marketing something to us….), and they make us feel something warm and fuzzy. Sometimes that warm and fuzzy feeling was inspiration, sometimes validation….other times we learned something brand new and fun. 

With all that in mind….I give to you our blogging pledge:

  • We pledge to post monthly on the Brookside blog

  • We pledge to try our hardest to bring you topics ranging from the mundane interesting (think: NPR…) to wildly silly (think: Captain Bingo’s family vacation…)

  • We pledge that we are – in NO way – professional bloggers (read between the lines to say: we don’t particularly have a strategy, or a marketing plan, or a real solid understanding of what SEO is, anyway….so apart from some awkwardly placed keywords, we are hoping this feels mostly like a fun read)

  • We pledge to take your feedback! If you want to read about something, we would love to hear about it

This also feels like a good time to remind you that we are working with some limitations here. First, we live in the middle of nowhere. And, in the winter when you are all off in civilization – we are still in the middle of nowhere. In planning ahead, this seems like it’s going to have a negative impact on the blog – especially in January. Second, getting your lake vacation ready is kind of repetitive. We do the same thing every May, every June, every July….you get the picture. So we will try not to write the same yearly blog about spring cleaning in May (but you will tell us if we do, right?). And third, we are also raising lots of tiny humans around here. So, occasionally, we are going to run out of time for things like a blog. It doesn’t mean we don’t love you….it just means we had to keep our actual living children alive with things like food and water and homework help.

If you are still reading….then I think you might be one of the monthly subscriber-types. Thanks for checking in on our first blog post – and stay tuned for more fun reads.



Joanna is a newbie to the world of blogging – but not a newbie to the world of resorting. After a childhood of playing at Brookside she is now learning how to own Brookside.

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